YFC President and CEO
Jacob D. Bland was named as the 10th President and CEO of Youth For Christ - USA in 2021. The YFC National Board of Trustees selected Jake based on his exemplary background within the ministry. (Family Photo by Meredith Washburn Photography)

Jacob D. Bland was named as the 10th President and CEO of Youth For Christ - USA in 2021. The YFC National Board of Trustees selected Jake based on his exemplary background within the ministry. (Family Photo by Meredith Washburn Photography)
Board of Directors
Our Board is responsible for directing the movement of YFC Fayetteville Area. These people are dedicated to prayerfully seeing that our local chapter of YFC-USA accomplishes its mission statement.
Costa Lampros, Board Chair
Andrew McCarthy, Board Vice-Chair
Daniel Surom, Board Treasurer
Casey Groover, Board Secretary

Deb Bruton

J.J. Cook

Aaron Mabe

Dr. Ed Newman

Michael Paschal